Today, we march.
We march for ourselves, our children, our friends, and our families. We march for our colleagues and our neighbours. We march for our country, our continent, and for our future. We march in our tens, our hundreds, our thousands, and many more.
Today, we march.
We march to stop Brexit, to revoke Article 50, for a Final Say in a Peoples Vote. We march in our masses to pull us all back from the brink, and to rethink this descent into madness. We march to remain a member of the European Union. We march to keep a seat at the top table, not to be shut outside, alone.
Today, we march.
We march because we must. We march to make our voices heard and our presence felt. We march because we have marched already, we have signed the petitions, we have written to our MPs, we have tweeted, we have organised, we have communicated, and yet still we must do more. We march because we have met online and now is the time to meet en masse.
Today, we march.
We march because we are Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrats, Greens, Scottish Nationalists, Plaid Cymru, and more. We march because we are Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh, atheist, humanist, and more. We march because we are young, we are old, we are both, and we are neither. We march because we are gay, we are straight, we are trans, we are disabled, we are not disabled. We march in spirit, if we can’t march in person.
Today, we march.
We march because our communities are on their backs, our environment is dying, our economy and our public services are failing, our fellow citizens have been ignored and forgotten, our country is divided, our politics is broken, and our culture is collapsing inwards. We march because fascism is rising, and we must say no to it.
Today, we march.
We march because our ancestors and our predecessors have done so, and because our children are doing so. We march because we are learning from our students.
Today, we march.
We march because we are European and Europeans. We march because we are English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, British, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Belgian, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Luxembourger, Liechtensteiner, Czech, Slovakian, Polish, Greek, Cypriot, Italian, Romanian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Austrian, Finnish, Maltese, Slovenian and Estonian.
Today, we march.
We march for freedom of movement, for pooling our sovereignty, for remaining part of the Single Market and the Customs Union, and against reintroducing an Irish border. We march to collectively write better laws for our community of nations. We march because we embrace diversity and complexity, rather than homogeneity and misplaced simplicity.
Today, we march.
We march because we are veterans of the streets, and because we have never taken to them before. We march because we want our consciences clean that, if this all goes badly wrong, we did what we could and we made ourselves heard.
Today, we march.
We march because our leaders will not lead us, so lead them we must.
Today, we march.
We march, not because we expect change to happen as a result of doing this, but because it must happen. We march so that when we look back and are asked ‘What did you do?’, we can say we put our feet to the ground, added our voices to the crowd, held our messages high, and made our presence felt.
Today, we march.
We march because we too are the people, and Brexit is not our will.
Today, we march. Come join us.
#RevokeArticle50 #StopBrexit #PeoplesVote #PeoplesVoteMarch